Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Journey

My journey to Kenya has begun! I am so very excited and full of anticipation as I travel to the other side of our globe. As I prepared for this 'medical mission' trip, I started thinking about what my 'mission' really is.... What do I expect to accomplish on this journey. Here I sit in the midst of my travel to Migori and I am still unsure....this is what I know for sure: there is really nothing that can prepare me for what lies ahead; I am certain there will be more work than I can do, more people than I can help, and that my heart will break. So, my plan is to give up all control. To let go and let God. To focus on what I can do rather than the enormity of what can't be done. I don't expect it to be easy, but then nothing good ever is.... =)

1 comment:

  1. Very happy and reliefed that you made it safely! You are right! There will be alot of things not accomplised but atleast now you have a "to do" list started. Leave it in His hands and do you best!!!! Looking forward to all the adventures ahead....
